Are You in Need of Consumer Directed Services In Missouri?

Can You Get Paid Providing Care to Help Your Dad After His Stroke?

Comprehensive Support for Independent Living In Missouri

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Providing Care After a Stroke

Following your dad’s stroke, he needs help with most of his daily activities.  You will need to provide care after your dad’s stroke as he cannot walk around without using a walker. He can’t use the stairs to do the laundry in his basement. He can’t safely cook dinner, and driving is no longer allowed.

Using a phone is too complicated as his speech was affected. Plus, your dad cannot take a shower without someone helping him. His care is a full-time job, but he really wants to age at home and not move into an unfamiliar community. Can you get paid to help him after his stroke?

Consumer Directed Services Make It Possible

Missouri’s Consumer Directed Services is a program that families can utilize to get paid when caring for an aging parent. It’s run through Missouri State Medicaid. Your dad hires someone to be his caregiver, and payment is issued through Medicaid.

Not everyone qualifies, however. It can be challenging to understand how to apply and whether your dad qualifies for Consumer Directed Services. To start, he must be enrolled in MO HealthNet, and he has to meet the program’s qualifications for being disabled. He needs to be eligible for Medicaid. Medicare is not enough.

What services can paid family caregivers help your dad complete? The main goal is to help him with activities of daily living in these categories:

  • Ambulation and mobility
  • Continence
  • Dressing and undressing
  • Eating
  • Personal hygiene

Family caregivers can also help him with housekeeping, laundry, transportation, and shopping. You’ll be paid to cook his meals, help him eat them, help him schedule appointments, and order prescription refills.

Rules to Keep in Mind

If you are paid to provide your dad’s care, you do not have to live with him. If you do, that’s fine, but you’re not obligated to move into his home. He doesn’t have to move into your home.

The person your dad hires to be his caregiver cannot be his spouse. It’s okay, however, for his adult children to get paid to care for him. As his child, you are eligible as long as you’re over the age of 18. He has to live in one of the qualifying Missouri counties.

Has your dad taken steps and named you as his power of attorney? If something happens to him and he’s unable to communicate, are you the person to make his medical or financial decisions? You cannot provide his care if he’s named you as his POA proxy.

Sign up for Consumer Directed Services and help your dad with his activities of daily living. He never has to struggle to get showered and dressed, cook and eat meals, or remember to take his medications. He’ll work with a specialist to determine his eligibility and determine the number of hours of care he gets per week.

It’s the win-win situation your family needs. Your dad is supported by someone he trusts. And, you can leave your job without worrying about the lack of pay. You’ll make money while helping your dad with all of his care needs.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Consumer Directed Services in Ferguson, MO please contact the caring staff at Home Care MO today. (314) 501-5330

We offer consumer directed services (CDS) in St. Louis County, St. Louis City and St. Charles, as well as Crawford, Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, Montgomery, Pike, St. Francois, Ste Genevieve, Warren and Washington Counties.